Metatarsal Pain – Broken Metatarsal

If you have a broken metatarsal then it is almost certain that metatarsal pain is one of your current bugbears. This is because the foot area is actually surprisingly delicate, and when you experience a broken metatarsal it can definitely take your breath away initially.

There are however things that you can do to tackle a broken metatarsal, and also to combat the pain that you are experiencing.

Here is a list:

1/ Firstly to combat the pain of a broken metatarsal you should click here and check out this site >>

It is a great resource of positive actions that you can take to deal with your foot pain, and  be able to get on with your life while you have a broken metatarsal.

2/ Look into physiotherapy options

These can include massage techniques to help the soft tissue around the foot and using ultrasound and electrotherapy to direct get to the heart of the problem.

3/ Checking out exercise options

There are different exercises that you can do even if you have a broken metatarsal that can help you to deal with the pain better, and also that can act on improving your balance (which is one of the first things to go with a metatarsal injury), and also make it so that your body is able to compensate for its current situation. You can for example work on strength exercises, and also balance.

4/ Look to improve your posture

If you find yourself with a broken metatarsal then there is a good chance that you caused your own stress fracture to occur. Obviously you didn’t do this deliberately! But if you are walking in any way that is a little off balance then there is a good chance that some part of your foot is experiencing stress that it shouldn’t be.

To try to combat this you should look into things like orthotic heels for your shoes which can help to improve your posture and the way you walk, and also puts less strain on your feet.

Check out here for some more ideas to overcome foot pain >>

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